
General Counsel, Banking

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    8+ years
    Toronto, ON, Canada

Warren Bongard

President | Co-Founder

(416) 477-2501

Toronto | 8+ years

Our client is a niche player in financial services. A recent opportunity has led to the need for a leading lawyer who wants to work in a dynamic institution, with an incredible team of employees and senior executives. Your 8+ years of strong banking experience, plus prior experience in-house will be key in making this opportunity work for you. To learn more, please contact Warren Bongard at wbongard@zsa.ca Ref. #33156.


Tagged as : Banking, In-House, Senior
Upload your CV/Resume or any other relevant files.Max file size : 50 MB.

You can apply to this job and others using your online resume. Click the link below to submit your online resume and email your application to this employer.